Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Appointment TV: True Blood

So, folks, it’s kind of been a while since I wrote anything that wasn’t SYTYCD related. My bad. But this is the first post in a weeklong series that will only partially focus (one day) on Dance. This week is dedicated to highlighting the five summer appointment shows, the shows that I feel an overwhelming desire to watch on a weekly basis. Sadly, there are only about five shows that I feel make this cut, so a weeklong series works out quite well. Before I start, I want to mention two shows that didn’t make this list for logistics reasons, shows, however, that are most definitely appointment TV for me:

Harper’s Island- This has turned into an addictive little show for me. I can’t wait for the next episode, especially the closer we get to the finale. This past week’s episode was the best hour of TV I’ve seen in a few weeks. It may have seemed cheesy, and may have started out the same way, but it’s turned into a must-watch fun little mystery. Sadly, only the two hour finale is left.

Rock of Love Bus/Real Chance at Love Charm School- Let’s be honest, the only reason this particular VH1 show would have made the list is because it’s the show they’re airing right now. VH1 is always appointment TV for me, and it just didn’t feel right listing this one just because it happens to be on right now.

All that being said, and acknowledging Psych, which would have made this list but doesn’t start airing until much later this summer (Boo! Hiss!), let’s get down to business, shall we?

True Blood
Sundays, 9PM, HBO

About a week or two before the second season started airing, I watched the premiere of season 1. I managed to race through all of season 1 with days to spare before season 2 premiered. I shouldn’t say managed, actually, I should say thoroughly enjoyed. This show is dark, hilarious, sultry, and just plain entertaining. I mean, I should remind everyone like I love supernatural stuff, but I still think this show is just downright fun to watch.

What’s really interesting to me about True Blood, though, is how much more I care about the rest of the world of Bon Temps than about Sookie and Bill. They’re a little bit meh for me, I’d much rather focus on Tara, Lafayette, Sam, Hoyt, Jessica, Eric, Maryann, the rest of the Fangtasia crew, even people like Arlene and Terry Bellefleur. It’s just an utterly fascinating and gripping world.

Plus, the mysteries are fantastic. I’ve never read the books (I’m only slightly tempted too now, I’m not a big reader, what with being a ridiculous TV addict and all), which means I don’t know what’s coming (OK, well, slightly. I occasionally peek at spoilers) Each week I’m trying to figure out how things are going to play out, what’s coming next for these characters. It’s a show I want to immerse myself in. And it has become absolutely must-watch viewing for me. Can’t wait to see what happens next. And what in the hell is Maryann?
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