Friday, May 15, 2009

Bones Finale: Well, That Was A Disappointment

Bones is not a show I’ve talked about on here before, but recently it’s become a show that I really look forward too. I remember I saw the pilot before it aired, and was thoroughly unimpressed. But, having heard really good word of mouth, I began to watch it this past summer, and finally caught up to the present during the tail end of this season. By the time I was fully caught up, it had become a show that I really really liked, with a great cast, compelling characters (and I’m not actually talking about Bones (the characer) here. Much love to Sweets, Angela, and Hodgins), and fun writing.

I’ll admit it, I’m not a huge Booth/Brennan fan. They’ve got great chemistry, but I don’t feel the need to see them bang any time soon. But when I heard the news that they were going to in the season finale, I was interested certainly. I was wondering where the show was going to go from there. Well, it turns out I don’t have to worry because… It was all a coma dream!

Goddammit Bones, that’s just a crappy story twist and you know it. You tease and tease that they’re finally gonna consummate their relationship and then it’s in a coma dream? And there’s no explanation as to what the hell is going on and why everything is in a parallel universe until the last minute of the show? And you manage to make every single character far less likeable (save, perhaps, Sweets, who is always likeable) in this alternate universe? And you expect the fans to be happy with that? Well, no dice Bones, I’m a little pissed.

I see you tried to make up for it with a cliffhanger. Booth can’t remember Bones. My interest is piqued. But why do I have the feeling that within 3 episodes next season his memory will be back fully? And their sexual tension will continue to just sit there? If that’s the case, you’re going to fall way down my TV priorities list Bones. Because I don’t suffer being played by my TV shows, not on this magnitude. Is it just me, or is this turning into a “I’m Calling You Out” post? So what if it is, then. Bones, I’m Calling you Out. You had such forward momentum and positive feelings and you go and squander it all on a coma dream episode that was confusing and not even entertaining from the get go? And then you expect it will all be better because ZOMG Cliffhanger Booth can’t remember Bones? I wish I couldn’t remember this episode. Way to break down right before the finish line Bones. See you next season, with hopefully some payoff for fans who had to suffer through this finale.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lost: We Are NOT Amused

Warning: MASSIVE Spoilers Ahead(Like, Dharma Island Sized Spoilers). And some mild, bleeped-ish profanity too.

So, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, are you trying to make me punch a wall? What the hell was up with “The Incident”? We you just trying to punish viewers? Grrrrr.

Ok, Explanation time. I loved the first hour and forty five minutes of it. The return of Rose, Bernard, and Vincent is maybe one of my favorite moments of this season. The knock down drag out fight between Jack and Sawyer was a moment I have been waiting for for a very long time. The March to Jacob was kind of riveting to see how it all was going to play out, as was the scene with Locke and Ben discussing why Ben WOULDN’T want to kill Jacob. And speaking of Jacob, everything about him was fascinating. His showing up at critical moments in our Losties lives was fantastic, and his scene with Hurley was so tantalizing and pushes Hurley to the forefront of all the big action to come. I was, literally at times, on the edge of my seat.

Plus, we got a bunch of answers. What lies in the shadow of the statue? Well, according to Ricardus, aka Richard Alpert, it’s the man who will save us all (that’s the translation from Latin). What’s in the box? The real John Locke’s body. Why does Locke want to kill Jacob? Because he’s not Locke, but rather the rembodiement of the yin to Jacob’s yang. Which is not to say that it didn’t leave us with a million questions more (I’ll get to that in a minute). But open questions is par for Lost’s course, I was fine with that.

Those last 15 minutes though are absolute torture. First off, RIP Juliet. Seriously, guys, WHY did you have to kill Juliet. A few weeks ago you killed Faraday, one of my three favorite characters on the show, and know you kill Juliet, another of my three favorites? Seriously, if I were Ben Linus, I would start watching my back, since my evaluations seem to be a death knell. I loved that Juliet got what is tied for the biggest, most dramatic, most heart-wrenching death scene the show has had (Charlie being the other), but there was so much left open with her character, why?

And then, Oh God, I feel myself getting mad again, the ending. WHAT THE F*%K? Every other season, I have been OK with your ZOMG!!!!?!?!?! Cliffhangers, because you always gave a hint towards what direction the show is going. Season 3’s “We Have to Go Back, Kate!” showed the direction they were going, as did Season 4’s Locke’s in the Casket. But to go white after Juliet blows up the bomb? No hint whatsoever as to the outcome? Teasing your fans that they’ll have to wait until 2010 to find out? NOT COOL. Any ONE of the final 5 or so scenes could have been the great cliffhanger. Locke is in the box! Ben stabs Jacob! Juliet wakes up in the shaft and sees something! But you had to go with the one that is so open ended? That’s just cruel to your fans.

The Incident was a great season finale, and that cliffhanger, for how angry it makes me, is certainly a massive cliffhanger. But so… much… anger over the way it ended. I cannot wait to see where it is all going, and am depressed that I have to wait THAT long. What about you?