Thursday, August 14, 2008

Top 10 Of The Year: #6- Survivor Micronesia: Fans Vs. Favorites

The Honorable Mentions
#10- Gossip Girl
#9- South Park
#8- Chuck
#7- How I Met Your Mother

Yup, folks, it's a Top 10 double feature, because I've currently got nothing to do at work!
Listen, I’m as surprised as anyone that Survivor made my top 10. The reality mainstay stopped being good after like season 2. I kept watching, though, since I require incredible amounts of television in my bloodstream at all times. And I’m very glad I did. And I’m glad I did because Survivor Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites was the best season they’ve ever had. Don’t get me wrong, I love season one, but, despite the insanity of parts, it was relatively tame. It was just so shocking and great because no one knew the formula, it was brand new. Whereas, with Micronesia, everyone knew what Survivor was, and it still managed to knock people’s socks off.

The credit for this season really rests in the hands of the players. The fans vs. favorites dynamic was interesting, but this season didn’t pick up until after the merge. Which is when all the fun started. See, there were five (Count ‘em FIVE) amazing tribal councils in a row. First, Eliza played the fake immunity idol. Then they blindsided Ozzy. Then they blindsided Jason in the exact same way they blindsided Ozzy. Then Amanda successfully used a hidden immunity idol,

And then, the piece de resistance, they convinced Erik, having just seen the past FOUR tribal council game twists, to GIVE UP his individual immunity. The poor, dumb kid.

But, as if FIVE straight weeks of Tribal Council awesomeness weren’t good enough, you also had TWO medical evacuations and player voluntarily quitting the game. This season was just so good.

Now, I know that this was only half of the primetime season for Survivor. But I don’t care. I’m making the rules, I can break ‘em. This season of Survivor was so good, it absolutely earned it’s spot here. So congrats, Survivor, for the awesome come back. You earned your #6.

Just In Case You Are A Bad Person and Didn't Watch Pushing Daisies...

So, I got a message on "The Facebook" recently cluing me into this, a video cut together by ABC in order to recap you on the entire first season of Pushing Daisies, in case you missed it...

I've written about my love of Pushing Daisies before, and this is just another post, begging and imploring you, if you did not watch Season 1, please watch season 2. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Which is big. Don't you wanna feel warm and fuzzy too?

PS: I asked the person if they had one for The Middleman, which you should also totally be watching. She said she'd see. But, in the meantime, WATCH THE MIDDLEMAN. It needs your help. They're fighting evil so you don't have to. But if it gets cancelled, you're totally gonna have to fight evil yourself.

Top 10 Of The Year: #7- How I Met Your Mother

The Honorable Mentions
#10- Gossip Girl
#9- South Park
#8- Chuck

So, it’s been a while, I know. Other things, like my laziness, came up. But I vow to continue and complete this top 10 list before the end of the month, in case anyone cares. But, back to the matter at hand.

How I Met Your Mother has a laugh track. Stay with me here folks. How I Met Your Mother has a laugh track and it completely doesn’t need one. Because it’s seriously, seriously funny. I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t one of the rules of television the fact that a laugh track means less funny. Well, that’s what I thought. But How I Met Your Mother breaks that rule.

I will admit, this season was not as good as last season was. There were a bunch of filler episodes. But the show still managed to make my top 10. That’s saying something. But, even if this season had filler episodes, it also had a bunch of amazing ones. “Sandcastles In The Sand” stands out to me, since I love the Robin Sparkles storyline (One of the main characters was a teenage one hit wonder in Canada under the name Robin Sparkles. For more information, go HERE). The episode where Barney puts all the women he’s wronged into a NCAA bracket is amazing. Slapsgiving, the continuation of the Slap Bet joke, was also filled to the brim with funny. Also, the two minute date that the main character engineers (From the Britney Spears episode), is an amazing bit of writing.

I don’t really know how to say it in another way: The show is just really, really funny.

I tried introducing a co-worker to it earlier this summer, and he wasn’t blown away. Maybe it’s a show that you have to follow to love. But, knowing the characters (every single one of whom is funny, a rare feat for a sitcom), I always laugh a few times an episode. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but, between the awesome running jokes, my ever-growing man-crush on Neil Patrick Harris, and the loads of funny that the show has, I feel confident placing How I Met Your Mother in the seven spot on the countdown.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Mole 8/11- The Season Limps To An End…

This past season on The Mole, one person sabotaged eleven others as they competed for cash. Oh, and people often fought and accused each other of doing moley things. And people got executed along the way. That’s about as best I can sum up the season’s recap. Tonight we find out the winner, the loser, the mole, and all the clues that were dropped long the way.

First up, we get recaps of all the finalists’ moley behavior. And there’s a lot of it. Looking at the recaps, I really want Nicole to be the mole, because the overplaying strategy would be completely awesome. But it’s probably Craig. Oh, sweet, a commercial break. I’m sure those won’t be endless tonight.

We come back and it’s time to look at video packages of our eliminated contestants. Bobby is up first, and I don’t miss him. His video makes fun of him excessively though. Apparently he had an injury. Everyone laughs at it though. Because there’s not too much to do tonight without knowing who’s who of the final three, it’s time for the reveals. The winner is up first, and the winner is… Mark. Craig doesn’t look happy in his little box, which means maybe Nicole was the Mole. Which would be awesome. But Mark played a good game and he’s gonna use the money well. But now it’s time to find out the Mole. And it’s… time for a commercial break. Oh host Jon Kelley, you tease you!

But we’re back, and the Mole is... Craig, as the commenter told me two weeks ago. I would point out that I suspected Craig week one, but then I abandoned him, so I won’t take any credit. Which means Nicole is the loser. Oh, and fun, we get a Nicole video package. Although it’s fun to see her threaten to kill Paul in his sleep again. That was a great moment. Oh, and apparently Nicole was great at taking the quizzes and kept suspecting the wrong people (Ironically, they were all my suspects too.) Paul apparently knew it was Craig the entire time. And when he was eliminated there was a tie with a four second difference. That’s really gotta suck to hear.

Next we get a Mark video. Turns out, he was nearly eliminated early on, but Victoria mis-clicked on one answer, saving him. And there was a second time too, where he beat Kristen by ONE second. And he also tied with Clay when he was executed. And he only picked Craig because of Clay being eliminated going after Nicole. It also turns out the dossier was of basically no use. But Mark still beat Nicole by 4 points.

Now, it’s time to see the sabotages. This could be fun. Craig’s strategy was to be lovable, which I’m pretty sure is clear to anyone who watched. Looking at all the sabotage they seem pretty obvious. Everyone just dismissed him, because he was lovable and no one wanted to suspect him. Because he’s fat and he seemed like he was doing the best. No one even picked Craig as the mole (except for Paul) until week 7. And he was the one responsible for Bobby riding in a wheelbarrow. Craig was a pretty good mole, in the long run. Kudos. Jon gets everyone’s opinions on Craig as the Mole. Oh look, there’s Marcie. No one remembers her, so lets move on. Sweet, another commercial.

Now it’s time to see the hidden clues. They are all ridiculously obscure, and I’m kind of glad that I missed them. Because if I caught them, I would be kind of an obsessive. The one interesting one is that Craig’s name was never called during an execution. Oh, and that barrel clue that I swore I saw was nothing. Which brings up the question of what that random shot was all about? Mark’s wife is brought out, and she doesn’t seem to be that impressed at Mark’s win. Even when he tells her that she won’t have to work anymore. That, or she has an incredibly apathetic demeanor. Jon thanks us for participating in this summer’s biggest whodunit. I thank you for reading my recaps. Good night, folks, on an utterly mediocre season of The Mole. Just thank god it didn’t involve celebrities or Ahmad Rashad.