Monday, September 3, 2007

Goodbye, Leggy Blonde and Flight Of The Conchords

Last night saw the season finale of my favorite show of the summer that’s not half-inhabited by strippers (Rock of Love, please never end), HBO’s very very funny Flight of the Conchords. Conchords’ first season contained so much good and so little bad (except for the tour episode, but I’m calling that a fluke) that I couldn’t help but feel a little let down by the finale for not bringing the absolute A-est game they had. Which is not to say it wasn’t good, it just wasn’t great, as most Conchords episodes have been.

For one thing, where were the songs? Yes, we were treated to snippets of “The Humans Are Dead”, but we never even heard the binary solo. In fact, the only song was the laughably bad “Doggie Bounce”, which didn’t even feature the boys, but rather Todd Barry and Demitry Martin, both boys’ former bandmates. I mean, I get that the song was supposed to be terrible, but with a season of such great music, you couldn’t have saved one of your own really good songs for the finale? Also, with the Crazy Dogggz being so wildly successful as to wrest both diehard fan Mel and manager Murray away from them, I can’t help but wonder how the boys will fare next season, or how they will manage to take away all of Murray’s new found wealth and self-esteem. Because, as much as I love Bret and Jemaine, the show would not be the same without Mel’s hilarious stalkerish tendencies and Murray’s naivete.

But how can I be angry at a show that features not one, but two extended angry dances? Bret’s first angry dance, after Jemaine fires him from the band in favor of Todd, is so freaking hilarious that it almost makes up for the lack of music. But not quite, because, as much as I love Bret’s rocking out music from 80’s power montages (complete with Eugene Mirman playing saxophone in the background), it’s not quite as good as a majority of their songs. I’ve always though Bret is the underrated member of the band, with the majority finding Jemaine funnier, it’s good to see him be able to shine on his own. And that’s proven to me by the fact that the dance involving both Jemaine and Bret is nowhere near as good as Bret’s solo. Sabra from So You Think You Can Dance, watch out, because I have a new favorite dancer of the summer.

But really, even with this weak-ish finale, Flight of the Conchords was the funniest show of the summer, and will definitely be required viewing when it returns. So with that, I will leave you with some changed lyrics to one of my favorite songs “Goodbye, Leggy Blonde” to wish the boys farewell for the fall.

Goodbye. Goodbye-e-i. Conchords
Every day I look around my HBO
There you were your music making me laugh, and I’d fall down to the floor.
Conchords Goodbye, goodbye.
Now that you are gone I’ll have to watch your clips on Youtube here
Wish you knew how much I loved your accents and your hair
(it’s hard to rhyme)
Conchords goodbye, goodbye.

Ooh Conchords you got it going on
Wanna see you singing your song song song
See you singing it all day long
(Mumble mumble mumble) Panties on.
(I just thought that last line needed to be left as is)



Anonymous said...

todd BARRY.

Nate Levy said...

Yup, you're right. My bad, it's corrected...

Anonymous said...

"I’ve always though Bret is the underrated member of the band, with the majority finding Jemaine funnier, it’s good to see him be able to shine on his own."

But Jemaine IS funnier. Bret is definitely the better dancer though.