Monday, July 28, 2008

Possible "Lost" Scoop? Discovered By Yours Truly? Probably Not, But Still, Read This!


So, readers, Comic Con, the awesome awesome event dedicated to all things comic book/geek/cool that I truly wish I could attend, is going on (or has just gone on) and there was much TV fun to be had. While some of the panels that went on were, um, questionable (Is there an Office comic book coming soon or was there no reason at all for an Office panel at ComicCon?), there were other geektastic ones to discuss. Namely, Lost.

So, the biggest thing they revealed is that Richard Alpert is probably God. Or at least, some kind of non-aging four-toed super-figure. Because Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the masters of Lost, said very suspiciously that we will see Richard Alpert barefoot this year. So everyone and their creepy uncle is agreed that the absolutely idiotic four toed statue (“I don’t know what is more disquieting. The fact that the rest of the statue is missing or that it has four toes.”) probably has something to do with Mr. Alpert.

As you can see from my saying about creepy uncles above, this is not the scoop that I think I have figured out. My possible and unlikely scoop comes from a video that they released of Dr. Marvin Candle.

Now, this video is really interesting to me. Namely, because it represents the meeting of the past and the present on Lost. Dr. Candle was a part of the original dharma initiative. He says so. But yet, I’m pretty darn sure that that is Daniel Faraday’s voice on the video. Now, while Daniel deals with time travel, we’ve gotten no indication that he’s actually done it (besides just being on the island). So how have Dr. Candle and Faraday met? Simple. (Psst, my possible scoop is the next sentence). Dr. Candle will be on the island this upcoming season of Lost.

And now, for my proof. Look at 1:43 of the video. What’s that creeping into frame on the left side?

Why, it looks a mighty bit like red hair. And who in the Lost-verse has red hair? Why, Charlotte of course. Charlotte, who is Faraday’s biggest cohort. So, Candle has contact with Faraday and probably Charlotte. Where is he most likely to find these two together? In the present, on the island. I am guessing that Marvin Candle will show up on the island this season to record this very video.

Now, knowing Lost, I’m probably a million miles off the mark. I’m sure there have been other people on the island with red hair. But something in my gut says that I may be on to something, and, while I don’t tend to trust my gut on things like politics or art appreciation, I do trust it when it comes to matters of TV. So, readers, what do you think? Am I on to something? Completely wrong? Just looking for the ability to gloat if it turns out I’m right?

PS: This theory may have been touched upon elsewhere. I know I also posted it at Aint It Cool and E!Online, and got little to no love for it. If it is out there elsewhere, I honestly haven't seen it, but would appreciate a heads up if you do...


demondoll said...

I'm all for Alpert being a super-being, but I have no desire to stare at any sort of 4-toed foot..