Thursday, July 10, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance 7/10- And We Have Our Top Ten…

Cat is wearing a little black dress, counteracted by incredibly big blond hair. The opening routine, choreographed by Napoleon and Tabitha, is actually pretty fun, although I have quibbles with the fact that it is completely dark and invisible for a chunk of the dance. I mean, there was a cool glow-in-the-dark interlude, but we still couldn’t see the actual dance. Will and Gev, and Comfort to a lesser extent, are the ones who own the routine. We welcome our judges, where Nigel reveals that the Philip Chbeeb/Robert Muraine dance-off will happen during the finale. Sweetness.

The first two couples are brought on stage, Katee/Joshua and Comfort/Thayne. Is there any question which of these two will be in the bottom three? We see Comfort and Thayne’s video package first, where we recall the basically completely negative comments they received. And they only look worse in comparison to the glowing praise (with the exception of some bouncy comments) that Katee/Joshua received. So I’m all of 0% shocked when the results that I knew were coming do, indeed, come. Mia thinks America has got it right and that Comfort and Thayne aren’t getting America’s messages. If they were screening America’s calls, I’d totally understand.

When we return, Jessica/Will and Chelsie/Mark are already on stage. Again, is there any question which of these two will be visiting the bottom three? We relive the awesome Tyce routine (Did I actually just type those words) and the much less awesome quickstep. Oh, and Mia’s comments to Jessica? Still totally too harsh. Mark and Chelsie’s routines look even better than I remember them, so I’m pleased but not at all surprised when Chelsie and Mark are safe. Jessica and Will are gonna dance solos later on. Mary’s heart is aching to see them in the bottom, because their contemporary did rock pretty hard. Now that I think about it, can a contemporary rock hard? Or would it be something like “the fluidity of movement flowed through your spirits and unleashed pure, raw beauty upon our eyes and the eyes of the world.” Whoa, guys. I think I just channeled Mia Michaels.

When we return to the show, the last two couples are on stage. I think this is much more of a toss-up, because while Kherington and Twitch kinda sucked but have a big fan base, while Courtney and Gev rocked it, but have a smaller fan base. We relive all the mixed praise both couples got (Although Courtney and Gev probably had better overall comments). America got it right this week though (as opposed to last week), as Kherington/Twitch are in the bottom three. Honestly, though, neither of these two are going home, so does it really even matter?

Tonight, in our Masters of Dance segment, we get three of the stars of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater doing a part of a piece called “Revelations”. Set to a sub-par version of “Sinnerman”, the number is amazing. These guys are all ridiculously talented (as they should be if they are a part of Alvin Ailey’s company), and the movement looks fantastic.

: If this is how she’s goes out, it’s kind of fitting. It’s good, fun, full of personality, but nowhere near the best thing on the stage.

Thayne: It’s a more standard contemporary solo of twirls and leaps, but there are enough interesting body contortions to make it a pretty good solo.

Jessica: Well, who knows now? This may not be Comfort’s last night after all. Jessica’s solo is really weak sauce. I can see that she didn’t believe in herself or it. Poor form, Jessica.

Will: Can someone please explain to me why Will is so freakin’ amazing as a dancer but so bad in the personality department? If any bit of Will’s personality ever showed up, he would have this competition locked. He’s pure amazingness on that stage. It’s banoodles. (Am I channeling Mia again?)

Kherington: She brings energy and her movement is great. My only quibble is that the feeling of the solo, which seems to be joyous (mainly because Kherington has the perma-smile on), completely contrasts the dour-ish sounding song.

Twitch: He’s so good. Like, seriously amazing. Maybe even better than Will. Not to keep using this word, but seriously: banoodles.

Tonight’s special guest is Katy Perry, meaning my long run of avoiding Katy Perry has come to an end. Her voice sounds a good deal like Amy Winehouse and she looks eerily like Zooey Deschanel, which is a good combo. I have to say, the song isn’t terrible, and she performs more than the other musical guests the show has had (Save maybe those dancing prostitutes, who, God bless ‘em, can’t sing but know how to perform). Also, I have to say, I’m surprised that Nigel, who, lets face it, is pretty homophobic on this show, allowed a song about exploring lesbianism.

We come back, and, sadly, it’s time to say goodbye to Thayne and either Comfort or Jessica. The girls are up first, and Kherington is brought forward first. They lavish her with praise and send her to the top 10. Which leaves Comfort and Jessica. They think Comfort pulled it out in her solo tonight, but were disappointed with Jessica’s solo. But because she has had moments of being really good, Jessica is staying on, meaning it’s the end of the line for Comfort. We relive Comfort’s finer moments before it’s the boys’ turn. Not that there’s a question as to which of these boys is going home. Nigel calls Twitch forward first and says that he was outstanding and sends him to the top 10. Nigel tells Will that he would fit in with the Ailey boys (which I thought too), and sends him to the top 10 as well. Meaning, Thayne, as everyone suspected, is going home. In a complete dis to Jessica, Nigel tells Thayne that they wished they could have kept him and eliminated two girls. Thayne’s perma-smile never fades as we watch the dancers all surround the final two cut before the tour…


Anonymous said...

Great recap and if Will has Twitch's personality, he would walk away with a title. As soon I as saw Will's solo, I said he looks like one of the dancers from the Alvin Ailey Dance Company.

Great solos form Will, Kherington, and Twitch and I wish they would've kept Thayne and gotten rid of both Comfort and Jessica. I saw on another pst, wouldn't it be awesome if Thayne was dancing with Will next week, one thing that would be funny as hell, who wouldn't want to see that.

Anonymous said...

Thank God Twitch landed in the bottom three, because it gave him a chance to remind us why he's there in the first place. Great solo. Now let's see if he can get his act together for the choreographed routines . . .

As for Will: he's very, very good. Is he as good as the guys in Ailey? Not yet. Not close. But given the opportunity, he'll get there.

momo said...

Love your recaps!
I'm glad we got to see these solos. I thought Thayne danced very well, but he is out of his league with Will and Twitch. Kherrington doesn't have a lot of imagination, it seems to me, but she is able to transmit high energy, while Jessica is not. I thought the judges were actually somewhat coherent, professional, and even compassionate (for the most part) tonight, in comparison with their wackiness the night before.

The Ailey dancers managed to transcend the set and give us a glimpse of their art. Kate Parry's song is more like straight girl kisses girl to thrill her boyfriend rather than an exploration of lesbianism, but whatever.