Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm Baaaack

Oh hey the few readers I may still have! Guess what, I'm back!

But this time, I mean it. No really. I know that each and every time I say that I mean it, I let the blog go silent for a long time, but this time, folks, it's the real deal.

Welcome to Levy on TV 2.0

By which, I mean that I've got a new layout! Did you see it? I assume you did, since you're reading this post. Well, do you like it? There's also gonna be some new features starting, the first of which is right above this post! Because I am still at school, and junior year is significantly more work than those other two years I've done, I don't know how often I'll be able to post. I'm currently trying to build up a backlog of posts so that I'll have something I can post during the busy times. I'm currently aiming for like 3-4 posts a week, but that may fluctuate based on work load. Finals are fast approaching, so the blog may go a little slack then, but it'll be back over the summer.

One thing, though, reader(s), is I am gonna need your help. Mainly, your comments. See, I like writing this blog. It's a way of deluding myself into thinking my opinions matter. But if I'm writing to no one, well, then there's a much greater chance the blog will fall to the wayside. So please comment, if possible.

Well, did you miss me? Wondering who the hell I am and why I'm talking to you like you've ever been here before? Any features you want to see more or less regularly? Shows you want to see covered more often? Lemme know folks. I aim to please. And at bullseyes. But mainly to please.
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