Thursday, July 30, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance 7/30- And We Have Our Finalists...

Cat is in something green and shiny and it's oh-so-much-better than her simple ensemble from last night. Cat Deeley, please dress more ostentatiously from now on. In close-up, Cat looks very 80s kinda-sorta. At least, I see it. It's kind of fab.

Note: It's the second to last week, everyone knows this by now, right? This is the abridged recap. For a full version, go to

Tonight's group routine is to send in the clowns, which is maybe their way of preparing us for the next round of auditions? The number itself is actually quite beautiful, so much so that I know it can't actually be the Tyce piece I would have guessed from the ridiculous costumes/makeup/set design. Seriously, the choreography in this is just beautiful. In fact, I kind of love this. The number ends with Evan waving goodbye. An omen of things to come? But holy what-the-what, it WAS a Tyce? For serious? Nice, Mr. Tasty. Kudos. Um, also, the four emmy nominated routines from last season are gonna be performed. Which means MARK AND CHELSIE ARE BACK! HUZZAH! Oh, and Twitch, Joshua, Katee, Jessica, and Will too...

Anyhoo, our top 3 girls are up on stage and one's about to be sent to the finale. Jeanine is up first, and... we have to wait until we hear about everyone to find out who's guaranteed to be there to the end. The first girl going to the finale is.... Jeanine. Good for her. I still don't get it, but clearly enough people are seeing something I'm not.

Our first encore performance is Jessica and Will doing Tyce's "Adam and Eve" piece from last year. So, serious question. Was Jessica always this good last year? Because she's great. Will, as always, is astounding. But if Jessica really was this good last season, I was really misjudging her harshly. Anyways, the number is still beautiful, it's probably better than "Cancer."

It’s time to send one of the boys to the finale. It really should be Brandon. The first guy going to the finale is... Brandon. Well, at least it's deserved. I mean, the boy can DANCE. Anyone who disputes that is... well... blind.

It's time for another encore routine, this time it's "Mercy" featuring Twitch and Katee. Um, this number was oodles of fun last time, and it's even moreso this time. They really go for the kiss this time. Actually, I probably liked it a little more the first time, but it's still a wide margin better than a lot of what we've seen this season. Katee is still absolutely flippin fantastic, in case any of you were wondering.

The next encore is Dmitry’s “A Los Amigos”, featuring Chelsie and Joshua. Hoo boy is this sultry. Can someone please explain to me how Chelsie didn't make the finale last season? The girl is fantastic. I mean, look at the facts, she's the only one in TWO of these numbers. And she is selling it hardcore this time too. Not that Joshua is bad, but he just can't compete with her.

It's time for the bottom four's solos. First up is Melissa. I still think this is an utterly fantastic solo.

Ade is the next solo. It's still ridiculously good. Better than it was last night. At least, I think so.

The Jabbawockeez are now doing a routine. They won the first season of America's Best Dance Crew, a show I haven't watched but apparently should if it often features dancing this cool. Then again, it has Randy Jackson too, doesn't it, and that's a big no-no. The white masks creep me out a bit at first, but I've completely come around to them like 20 seconds in. But yeah, this is really awesome.

It's time for the encore I've been waiting for, "Bleeding Love" by NappyTabs featuring Mark and Chelise. Yay Mark! Yay! Sorry, he's just maybe my favorite contestant ever, so I'm excited to see him back. And he's even better than Chelsie in this number. But seriously, this number is just really really really good. I remember not being wowed by this the first time I saw it, but I was a complete idiot back then. Can Mark somehow make the finale this season? Can I massively write-in vote for him right now?

Kayla's doing her solo again now. It looks even more frantic this time. Kayla's a really really good dancer, and if she's not in the finale I'll be upset, but she really needs to work on choreographic a jaw-dropping solo for the finale if she does.

Evan's got even more energy this time it seems. As I said last night, his solos are always tons of fun to watch. I just wish it was a little less of the same thing each time.

Sean Paul's up now, performing his song "Get Fine." Relative to the other performances this season, it's not terrible. Which means it's not good really, it's just not "make-your-ears-bleed" bad (cough cough Sean Kingston, Kristinia DeBarge, Kelly Rowlands, and the Black Eyed Peas). And he's got back up dancers who are actually dancing, so he certainly gets points for that.

The final girls results are up. girls. It's either gonna be Kayla or Melissa. The other girl advancing to the finale is... Kayla, which means Melissa is going home. This was the right decision. I'm a big fan of Melissa's, but Kayla totally deserved the spot over her.

Now it’s the boys turn. . Nigel, who had been mercifully silent up until this point tonight, takes the last moment to pat himself on the back and he FINALLY makes mention of the passing of Merce Cunningham, to which I say about time with that. The other guy making the finale is... Evan, which means Ade is going home. I'm sad, but not entirely surprised. I kind of prepared myself for this, so I'm fine with losing Ade. Now at least I won't be torn between him and Brandon next week. Cat reintroduces us to our finalists: Brandon, Evan, Jeanine, and Kayla. Is it too early to say Brandon FTW?