Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Big Brother 7/10 Is Jenius Television

After a recap of the previous shenanigans, such as the enemy reveals and Jen freaking out over her photo, we’re left with three questions to ponder, re: the announcer. Who will win the veto? Will they use it? Will Eric accomplish his task? The question I have is, this early on, will anyone really care? Sitting around the table post nominations, Kail thinks that her nomination plan is foolproof. Amber is still bitching about that she’s a nominated mom. Carol very accurately figures out Kail’s plan. This is why I like Carol. She’s smart. Kail thinks she got off Scotch free. Well, she doesn’t appear to have any dark stains on you Kail, so I think you are Scotch free. Carol doesn’t want to fight against Amber, because she thinks Amber has just as much right to be here. Amber won’t stop crying in the confessional, but I can’t tell whether its joy or sadness, because Amber thinks God put her on the block to prepare her for the long haul. O…K Amber. Whatever you say. Jessica apparently knows the word “nonchalant”. Who knew? Carol and Jessica are both trying to outlast one another. As is everyone in the house. Some of these idiots are really starting to aggravate me.

Carol decides to appeal to Zach to campaign for her, and seemingly succeeds. Mrs. Robinson and her 3 Boys already seem to be plating hard. After that conversation, we get Kail and Dick talking in the backyard. Now this is an odd couple if I’ve ever seen one. But they seem to be bonding over parenthood. I wonder if Amber will be pissed at him if he nominates her as well. Our next segment involves everyone fawning over Nick. Except for Jen. She doesn’t like muscles, which is funny, because she’s obsessed with Nick on the feed. Nick runs down his list of favorite flirts, with Danielle, Amber, and then Jen. Jen, upon seeing Danielle and Nick flirting, shoots daggers at them, and proceeds to spread a rumor that Nick tried to kiss her. Wow. Jen is even more unstable than I thought she was. When Nick comes to confront her, Jen lies and stares blankly. Carol looks incredibly uncomfortable watching this. Carol, I keep growing fonder and fonder of you. Then Jen insists that he did. America, I think we’ve found the insane houseguest who will provide oodles of entertainment. Howie, you have been replaced. I doubt, however, that Jen will be able to call anyone “Busto.”

Before starting this section of the recap, I just have to comment about how creepy Julie Chen asking us if we like to watch is. But, on to the show. Jen asks Nick into the storage room, and admits that she’s jealous. Nick, if you have a pet rabbit, I wouldn’t let Jen know (That’s a Fatal Attraction reference for all of you). Jen then asks if she’ll kiss him later. Uh oh, everyone already appears to be over Jen. Her “Jen” shirts (Personally, I find Jenius funny, because she’s a vapid moron, but Hey, that may just be me), her Jen insanity, etc. Kail wants Carol gone, because she knows Carol is smarter enough to target her. Other possible targets include Danielle (though Evil would go through the roof), Joe (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE), and Jenuine Jenius Jen. Amber is talking to God again. I thought Kail was supposed to be this season religious nut. One is certainly enough. Amber is sure God is on her side. There’s something really ironic about the professed nymphomaniac praying to God to keep her in a game where the audience is asked if “we like to watch”.

Time to pick veto players. Kail gets houseguests choice, and chooses Danielle. Amber gets Jameka. Carol gets Nick. Kail picks Jessica to host the competition. I can’t stand Jessica’s voice, but Kail apparently can. Jen points out that she’s stuck in a room with 5 guys. Jen looks thrilled. Dick looks scarred. I’m more with Dick here. It’s veto hide and seek. Everyone gets a veto to hide. Danielle hides hers in the slop. Carol hides hers between Dick’s mattresses, hoping no one else will want to touch his stuff. Amber hides hers in a pillowcase. Kail under some tea bags. Nick under a mattress. Jameka in her hair extensions bag. Carol quickly finds Amber’s. Kail finds Nick’s second. Dick and Jen fight in the HOH room. After Dick tells Jen about how rude is was with the “don’t touch me” comment during the food challenge, Jen wonders why Dick is pissed at her. Jen, you are a comedic Jenius. Kail, meanwhile, is apparently tearing the house apart, much to Jameka’s chagrin, who actually takes time to put her dirty clothes away that Kail unceremoniously threw about. Eventually Danielle wins the veto, making Dick a proud papa. Amber immediately talks to Danielle in the hopes of getting herself vetoed and Jen nominated.

It’s time for our America’s choice challenge. Eric has to make up a traumatic story to tell a chosen houseguest, who happens to be Kail. Eric proclaims it a cakewalk. Eric pulls out all the stop, fake tears, sniffling. It appears to be something about a high school girlfriend with an eating disorder. Kail is eating out of his hand by the end. Kudos Eric, full success. For the first time this episode, we get Joe and Dustin drama. Joe recognizes Dustin as his arch nemesis. Dustin thinks this experience is good and could work in their favor, and apologizes for not cherishing their time together. Joe, for the first time, seems sincere and says thank you. Joe, Dani, and Nick all realize that Jen is unstable and needs to go. As good train wreck television Jen makes, I would rather see her go than Carol, who I’m now crushing on. She’s smart, she’s cute. If she were a little more bubbly and boisterous, I’d almost feel like we have another Janie on our hands. Janie, how I miss thee.

Danielle is grappling with what to do with regards to the veto. Kail is now really worried that Danielle’s gonna change her nominations, in which case, she plans to retaliate. Kail, what happened to your good Christian values? I mean, I know the whole Eye for an Eye thing, but you didn’t know whom to nominate, so you put them up. Now you know that everyone wants Jen out. Calm down. Danielle is happy to be the first owner of the veto, but opts not use to veto. Danielle doesn’t want to stir things up, but in a couple weeks, well see. Amber wants to walk out the door, (too long pause), the final week. I hope she leaves this week. Nothing against you Amber, but Carol kicks your ass. Plus, I think all the electronics in the house may interfere with your walkie-talkie communications with God. At least, that’s how I think you talk with him. Well, even so, just please leave. You’ll get better reception in a church.