Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome Back: Sheriff Jack Carter

Tonight sees the return of Eureka, one of many shows that I like from the Sci-Fi channel (I’m a sci-fi nerd. I can’t help it; I just love most things in that genre). Eureka deals with the town of Eureka, Oregon. The town was created after WWII and stocked with the nation’s geniuses in the hopes of furthering the nation’s might through scientific achievement. In to this town of high IQs comes Jack Carter, a regular guy who happens to be a US Marshall, who accidentally gets stuck in Eureka. After proving himself and saving the town, he opts to stay and is made the new sheriff. In a town full of scientists though, things can go very wrong, with experiments wreaking havoc. And this is what the show does best. Jack is the layman in the town of super-intellects, but he always manages to solve the problem that the eggheads can’t solve. In this way, the show almost parodies the nerds (like myself) who watch it. It’s basically saying, “You may be all smart and knowledgeable, but all it takes is a jock to solve your problems.” I like a show that somewhat insults me. And I meant no sarcasm in that last sentence. It takes balls to say to your main viewer base that they need their antithesis to help them out. As Lou Grant would say, “You’ve Got Spunk”.

Adding to that, you’ve got a lot of quirky fun thrown into the show, for example SARAH, the smart house that Jack and his daughter live in, who also happens to have become emotionally attached to Jack. Top that off with some fun characters like the former space shuttle engineer turned town mechanic, or, my favorite, Deputy Jo Lupo, who is a great foil for Jack as a no-nonsense mocker of his feeble attempts to solve genius problems. Here’s hoping the second season is as much fun as the first.