Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Big Brother 8/14. Can We Veto Dick's Existence?

Before getting into the recap, I want to say two things:
1)This recap contains adult lanugage and may not be suitable for young readers.
2)There was no recap Saturday because it started late where I was and it was either miss the end of Big Brother or the beginning of John From Cincinnati. Well, I chose to see all of John because that makes me feel like a good person, whereas watching BB, i feel like I need to take a shower. So I didn't see all of it, and therefore did not want to only give you a partial recap. Sorry if anyone was looking for it.

Anyhoo, on to the recap:

Previously on BB8, Dick was tricked and, as a result, became a raving sourpuss, Jessica won HOH, Dick validated his being a raging asshole as being a good dad, Big Brother continued editing him as a martyr, and Jessica put the Donato family on the block, to the cheers of MOST everyone who watches the live feeds and sees what a truly atrocious person Dick is. We enter the house in blue as the nomination ceremony ends. Immediately, they start editing Dick as a sacrificial lamb. Danielle tells us that she hates hypocrites and liars, which means she must hate her entire family, including herself. Which would make her even more a hypocrite than before, wouldn’t it? Dick says that they’re not good enough liars, which I’m pretty sure is a lie. He tells her to trust Zach, and acts all good father, which is complete bullshit. I just want to apologize to any Dick fans that read this blog because 1) I loathe the man and will make it perfectly clear and 2) I’m guessing/hoping you’re uninformed as to his real personality. Jen comes up to the HOH room and it’s (Jazz Hands) AWKWARD, as everyone falls silent. Danielle now is fully exploiting her father and making sure that he’ll use the POV on her. Ooh, it’s time for punk rock riffs, which means they’re gonna show Dick as the cool anti-hero who’s tormenting everyone. To their credit they show how much he’s assaulting everyone, but to their discredit, they cut out the parts that would make any human being with a modicum of a soul hate him. I mean, I really wish everyone could see the unedited feeds of this, where Dick calls Dustin “princess”, “queen”, and “fag” and discusses his “bloody asshole” and how he’s going to “fuck him till he bleeds”, calls Amber and Eric both Meth addicts, assaults Amber’s mothering skills, assaults Jameka’s religion, and Jessica’s body. While Danielle does nothing but sit and not say anything or apologize for her father’s absolutely deplorable behavior. By typing these words, I do not condone any of these words, I’m just typing what Dick says in order to show how his behavior is out of control and should not be tolerated by viewers, producers, or anyone with a conscience.

It’s time to pick players for the Power of Veto, and the three chosen houseguests are Jameka, Dustin, and Zach. Everyone is separated into different parts of the house. The competition involves croquet and drinking disgusting things, like a bacon, egg, and OJ drink as well as “Big Brother Blood”, which I desperately hope is just wine. Everyone gets their drink on. Zach creeps my out by trying the “BB Blood” saying it smells like blood, then that it tastes like blood. No wonder people find him creepy. Danielle complains about some of the drinks. That’s not out of the ordinary, but it’s fun to watch her retch. Dick drinks to his rock riff as well, and they edit him as the hero. I’m really starting to hate you Big Brother. If you keep up this incredibly slanted editing, I’m not gonna be able to keep watching this show. The second part of the competition involves playing croquet. Zach is up first and gets three shots, earning 6 points. Jameka is next, has 4 shots, and gets 10 points. Jess is up next with 5 shots, and earns 17 points. Danielle is next with 7 shots, which gets her a total of 20 points. Dustin drank all 10 concoctions, and gets a total of 32 points. Dick is last, and I’m surprised that the producers don’t give him extra shots because they love him so much. But with his ten shots, he manages to earn 33 points, unfortunately winning him to power of veto. He immediately launches into calling Dustin “princess” again and antagonizing Jameka by thanking Jesus. I fucking hate this man. I understand maybe a fifth of his behavior as trying to rile the competition before the veto games, but to continue it while he’s shooting and directly afterwards, when he knows he’s won the power of veto and therefore he doesn’t necessarily have to make everyone hate him to make sure his daughter stays in the house, he continues to just be a gigantic douchebag. There is no excuse for his behavior, and the producers are at fault for anything he does at this point. Because I’m about 95% sure he’s gonna hit someone at some point.

As soon as we come back, Dick walks into the house and the rock riff comes back and starts antagonizing Dustin and, as Dustin points out “acted like the very mature 44 year old man he is.” To be fair though, Dustin, you weren’t very mature after the HOH competition. Jameka calls him Satan in the house. Everyone, including Zach and Jen, retreats to the HOH room. Jameka apparently gets into a fight with Danielle, where Danielle asks, “what have I done to you?” Jameka tries to respond, Danielle tells her to stop cutting her off, they move to the bathroom, Jameka tries to talk, and Danielle walks away. Danielle then goes up to HOH and whines to everyone and says that she’s apologized, something I have never, ever, seen her do. Danielle complains and whines and bitches about her Dad and about how they all hate her because of her dad. As soon as they try to bring up the fact that she’s an antisocial whiny little pouty bitch, and she immediately tells them that it’s not about her, it’s about her dad. But didn’t the discussion just start about her and not her dad? She and Jameka go at it, and Jameka points out that Danielle is only civil when it’s convenient for her. Eric interjects and says almost exactly what I just said (except they cut out when he assaulted Jessica’s figure). Danielle whines some more, says they don’t understand, whines about how it’s so frustrating, whines about how she doesn’t want sympathy (I smell bullshit), and then basically leaves. Immediately in the diary room Danielle says its part how she’s feeling and part strategy. To which I say: Fuck you Danielle. You and your dad can go be foul human beings off my television. How you ever tricked Nick into thinking you’re a decent human being I’ll never know. Danielle immediately goes and pow-wows with Dad (what they just accused her of always doing), talks about how she hates everyone, and cries. So, yeah, pretty much normal Danielle behavior. They play the “good guy” music as Dick comforts her. I hate these fucking editors.

We’re back in the HOH room where Eric’s America’s Player task falls into his lap, courtesy of Dustin offering himself on the block, which would be the dumbest thing the LNC could do. Because they need to make sure they have the votes to evict Dick. And Eric should definitely know better. This time, his America’s choice task was to give a houseguest the silent treatment. He has to give it to Jessica. He does this by hiding from Jessica and pretending to be asleep. Good job, Eric. Jen asks very forlornly if she’s going up, and Jess tells her that Dustin basically offered himself up. Jen looks relieved, but points out that Dustin and Dick may have a deal because offering yourself up is so ridiculously stupid. Jess goes to talk to Eric and Eric talks to her and fails. Jessica goes up into her HOH room and acts like a woman scorned, and folds Eric into the fake Dick-Dustin deal. She seems on the verge of tears and I say "Fuck you America," because Jess is one of the most tolerable players in the house and you brought her to tears. Wow, this is turning into quite an angry post, isn’t it?

It’s time for the POV ceremony, where Dick tells us that he always knew he was going to use the veto on Danielle. Except for that time where he was contemplating using it on himself. But God forbid BB shows us that. Danielle says that it’s tough for her to ask him to use it on her, full well knowing he plans to use it on her. He vetoes Danielle, and Jessica is forced to nominate someone. She ch-ch-chooses Dustin, who neglects his “sitting next to a sack of shit” speech to just sit there quietly. Dustin fakes crying in the DR and says he’s not scared. Dick is glad because the pawn usually goes home. Danielle admits that she always knew she was gonna get vetoed and acts very smug. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Please, America. Vote for Eric to evict Dick. He has gone too far, and he needs to go home.


Kira Scurro said...

i can't believe no one has commented on this totally prejudiced post.

i could go on and on about how your feelings about dick and danielle say far more about you than it does them, but i won't.

just check the cbs polls and see who's the most popular people in the house. it's certainly none of those pitiful lng people.

america hates them, too. that's why they're doing all they can to get eric thrown out of the house by giving him tasks that are sure to turn his crew against him.

i bet dustin goes home thurs. what a delightful turn-about that would be. :o)

Nate Levy said...

Kira, I never tried to deny that this wasn't a biased post. I personally don't like Dick and the hate he spews. I think that his repeated verbal threats towards the houseguests should have gotten him kicked out weeks ago. I'm sorry if I offended you as a Dick fan, but I stand by what I said about Dick and Danielle. I don't think that the LNC are great people either. Amber is an emotional trainwreck, Eric can be ridiculously foul towards his houseguests, Dustin's ego does need to be checked, Jameka is hypocritical, and Jessica is a few cents short of a dollar, if you catch my drift. But these flaws, IMO, pale in comparison to what Dick and Danielle do. Jen and Zach are the only two people who I wouldn't vote out of the house right now.

And as for the popularity polls, that's mainly the people who watch the show on CBS but don't see what is going on on the live feeds. I've already written a post about BB's biased editing, so I would just say to refer to that. And coming soon will be a post about how the producers are trying to sway the votes to keep Dick (you can find a video of Jen talking about Diary Room pressures to evict Dustin on Youtube). I have no doubt that at least a portion of the viewers of the show hates every single houseguest. I just happen to hate Dick and Danielle alot more than I hate everyone else in the house. So I'm sorry if my Anti-Donato tendencies pissed you off, but I stand by my "totally prejudiced post".

Lone Grasshopper said...

I hate what BB is doing to Eric. If he gets evicted because of the stupid things they are forcing him to do, BB should at least give him money equal to 2nd place.

At first I thought BB just wanted someone to add excitement to the show, then I realized that if BB wanted excitement, they would just air footage of Amber telling her real secret (which is so bad that America would hate her if they knew the truth) and all of Dick's tirades. (His verbal attack on Dustin was disgusting and scary.)

BB doesn't need Eric's stunts or 'America's Player' gimmick voting, just air what people are seeing on the live feeds. That stuff makes for good tv, but BB will not show it. Why not?!