Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm Calling You Out: Big Brother Editors

Listen here Big Brother editors; we’ve got some serious problems. Now, I realize that this season doesn’t really have a single likeable person. Anti-Semites don’t deserve good editing, nor do misogynists, whiny brats, sketchballs, nor other various forms of douchebag. But one of the least objectionable people in the house is Jen, who, while being vain and spoiled, is not a raging psychopath like some of the others. She is often funny. She is the strongest woman in the house by far, both emotionally and physically. So why do you insist on making her look like the biggest bitch to ever exist? Does she intimidate you? What did she do to you but provide good moments for television, such as when she burst into tears over her photo on the memory wall?

But the misportrayal of Jen is just the least of your problems. I have a much bigger issue with your portrayal of “Evil Dick”. Now, Dick has certainly lived up to his moniker. He has verbally assaulted 6 of the 8 houseguests left, not counting himself. He has threatened to crush Jen’s windpipe in the past. He has said he wants to choke her with member. He’s used a word that I refuse to use to refer to several female houseguests (Let’s just say See You Next Tuesday) He’s cause so many uncomfortable moments in the house that even his own offspring who is stuck in there with him thinks his antics can be out of control. And yet, Big Brother editors, you paint this guy to look cool. You’ve even created a rock riff that signals when he’s about to verbally assault someone, so that we know that his rock star awesomeness is about to come out and call someone a f**king something or other. Because being verbally abusive to those who share the same living quarters is soooo rad.

But it’s not only Dick who you edit to make cool, even though he’s aggressively douchey. You also edit Danielle. Poor, poor Danielle, right Big Brother editors? She’s such an innocent victim, stuck in the house with her unstable dad, with everyone taking all of their stuff against Dick out on her. And everyone is now starting to turn against her and her dad, and poor Danielle is such a victim, because she’s just going to get caught in all the anti-Dick crosshairs. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit and you know that Big Brother editors. Because she’s been there right alongside her dad for a while now, and she’s been just as venomous to certain houseguests. She’s the one who let her Dad run her HOH, so she’s just as complicit in a lot of his recent douchebaggery. So quit making her look like such a poor, innocent waif. She’s just a whiny little brat.

Oh, yeah, and you guys kind of suck at your job at times. It’s clear that will show a part of a conversation, and then show another part of the same conversation later. Way to be asleep on the job guys.

This is not to say that all of your editing is crap. You’re constant showcases of Amber the Anti-Semite’s crying jags can be quite funny. The bit this past Tuesday with Jameka praying while Jen complains about her bunny suit was pretty damn funny. But editors, I’m calling you out because you’re ridiculously biased in your editing, and you make the least decent people in the house look like the good guys, and that’s just not fair to the remaining semi-decent human beings left in the house. And if this behavior continues, you can expect another calling out. Because Dick is a Dick and America should see as much.