Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome Back: Fall TV, and tonight, Prison Break

Tonight sees the first two premieres of the new season (I’m still not acknowledging your existence The Biggest Loser), Prison Break and K-Ville. I’m not particularly fond of K-Ville, as can be seen in my review, but I was a fan of the first two good, albeit uneven seasons of Prison Break.

The premise itself is good, about a man who is slowly breaking out of jail, and the producers built a great first season around the concept. Season two, about them being on the run after breaking out, introduced a great antagonist in Agent Mahone (William Fichtner), but also had quite a bit of foolishness before getting down to it’s conclusion. It was a far weaker season than the first. But, I have faith in season 3, because it’s back to the whole breaking out of prison shtick. Which they did really well.

I haven’t exactly been hearing good words about the first two episodes of season three, but I’ll be tuning in nevertheless, even if I’ll be watching it weeks after it airs. Unless it really stinks this season, in which case I won’t be. There’s a lot of other television to watch, so don’t let me down Prison Break. I’m losing enough faith in FOX as it is…