Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday Premieres

Yup, there's still season premieres to be, well, premiered:

Carpoolers: This is a new sitcom on ABC. I'm not particularly interested in it. But if you're in love with Jerry O'Connell or something like that, then this show is PERFECT for you. Otherwise, reviews seem to be of the "stay away" nature.

Also of note, tonight marks the continuation of the decline of Western civilization. That's right people, Cavemen premieres tonight. The foul taste of the original pilot is still in my mouth after 3 months and many repeated watchings of the Pushing Daisies pilot. That's how bad it was. Apparently, they did a good deal of reworking. I'm pretty sure the only way they could rework this to be watchable is if they, you know, completely re-did the concept and writing of the show, or, yeah, pretty much everything.

If you rightly choose to stay away from Cavemen and choose to not watch Carpoolers (I can't say rightly because I haven't seen it), tonight also boasts the season finale of Eureka and the continuing seasons of Damages, Beauty and the Geek, NCIS, Reaper, House, Boston Legal, and Law and Order SVU. Happy tubing...