Monday, November 19, 2007

Reality, Returns, Recaps, and other R-Words.

Wow readers, and by readers, I mean the maybe 2 of you who still look at this blog with any regularity, it’s been a while. This semester suddenly got really busy, and the blog kind of fell to the wayside. It was my bad. But, it’s that time of the year where schools empty, people gorge themselves, and dysfunctional families unite in their respective dysfunctions: Thanksgiving!

And since it’s Thanksgiving, that means I finally have time to update! Yay! Even though I have a ten page paper due on Iraqi sectarian violence and whether or not it constitutes Jihad, I’m gonna due my best to stock pile this blog full of legible goodies in the upcoming days.

So here’s starting: Reality TV Time!

Recently, two of my most favoritist reality shows came back on the air, Project Runway and The Amazing Race. So, since I haven’t been recapping them, which I may start doing in the future if my workload subsides, I’m gonna give you might thoughts on both shows so far.

The Amazing Race

Well, so far, I’m not sure what to think of this season. I don’t have any teams I love, but I do have teams I hate. That’s never a good sign. So far, the tasks have been interesting, although seemingly very based on animal cooperation. And I’m loving the locations so far. My family has a running joke about Ouagadougou, so it was nice to finally see Burkina Faso get some recognition. My thoughts on the teams, in order from Like to Dislike

1) Nicholas and Donald- Mainly just for Gramps, because he seems to be bringing most of the non-breakdown related entertainment this year.
2) Ron and Christina- Love her, dislike him. But he’s starting to redeem himself after his behavior on leg 2.
3) TK and Rachel- The only romantic couple who I don’t actively dislike.
4) Azaria and Hendekea- I don’t know if it’s the editing or if there’s actually something there, but does anyone else get a slightly incestuous vibe from these 2?
5) Kynt and Vyxsin- I had so much pre-race dislike towards them, because there biggest concern was going to be keeping up with their makeup on the race. While they’re proving to be good competitors, neither has really done anything to erase all my pre-race hatred.
6) Nathan and Jennifer- I truly truly truly dislike Jennifer. Facetiousness is one thing I cannot stand, so that’s Jennifer in a nutshell. Nate is alright, if only for his constant use of “Fudge!” when angry.
7) Shana and Jennifer- See comments with Lorena and Jason
8) Lorena and Jason- Hoo boy, where to start with these two teams. In the history of the race, I can only think of three competitors who really brought out the bile in me: Flo of the Mental and Physical Breakdown (Season 3’s Flo and Zach), KKKendra of the Racial Intolerance (Season 6’s Freddy and Kendra), and Jonathan of the spousal abuse (Season 6’s Jonathan and Victoria). While Jonathan doesn’t really factor into this paragraph, the two girls do, because I’m seeing shades of them here. Lorena, I’m pretty sure, is Flo 2.0. She is carried by her partner, prone to breakdowns, and whiny and insufferable. I was really hoping that the Latin Sisters, who would have been number 1 or 2 most liked had they not just been eliminated, would beat them to the Mat, but alas, not the case. As for the blondes, well, their comments about the people of Burkina Faso, while not holding a candle to KKKendra’s comments about breeding in third-world countries, are certainly fulfilling the Ugly American stereotype. But, they’ve actually surprised me with their abilities in certain tasks, which is why they just barely avoided being my most hated team.

But seriously, this season is lacking in the root for department. Here’s hoping it improves as we go on.

Project Runway

Ah, Tim Gunn. How I’ve missed thee. I only started watching Project Runway in season 3, but I’m quickly becoming hooked to this one. But this season, well, I’m not so sure about the judging. Granted, we’ve only had one episode, and the deserving person went home, but I only agreed with one of their top three. None of the contestants have distinguished themselves yet, but there appears to be a lot of real talent so far.

(Note, I’m going in the order they currently appear on the bravo Website)

Jillian: Really Meh for me. It doesn’t look well fit for the model and I’m not a big fan of the color or the bubble skirt.

I really don’t get why this made the top 3. I don’t like the jacket, which appears to be the most intricate and interesting part of the dress. I did really like the way the dress was hemmed though.

Jack: This one I thought should have been in the top 3. Sure, it’s probably a little simple, but I love the pattern and the cut of the top.

Kevin: I thought this was one of the better ones, if only for the corset, which I thought was an interesting addition to a basic black cocktail dress.

Chris: I’m a big fan of this dress. The color is beautiful and goes amazingly with the top. If I remember though, it was a little much in the back.

Marion: I was not at all impressed with this. It doesn’t look like a finished product to me.

Kit: I like this one a lot. I think the simple dress in itself is really nice, and I like the addition of the red shoulder piece, which offsets the basic black pattern. I can see where it’s a little to busy though.

Steven: I liked it. It’s very simple, yet there’s an elegance to it that I dug. It’s really reminiscent to me of Laura’s work from last season. Although that may also be because the model bears a resemblance to Laura.

Carmen: Just too much. Too Arabian Princess meets bad pop video.

Sweet P: Again, I really liked this one, even if it was very simple. I love the red trim with the gold dress. And the slightly sherbety straps work too.

Ricky: A simple babydoll dress. It’s nice, but it is very simple. Although it looks very well constructed.

Victorya: Again, very simple. I don’t get why this made the top 3. It’s a simple black cocktail dress with a big white flower and arm straps that limit movement. I mean, it’s cool looking, but this would barely make my top half.

Elisa: Crazy mermaid dress. But not crazy in a good way. If the model can’t walk in it, you’ve got a problem. Cut off the train, maybe it works. But still very weak.

Simone: Very basic, but I still liked. I like the cut of the top. Don’t have much more to say about it though. I just like it. It was, however, horribly constructed.

Rami: Yup, this one was the deserving winner. It looks beautiful on her and makes her look like a Greek goddess. And extra points to Rami because he had the seemingly biggest and most broad-shouldered model. Nothing against her, it’s just that it seems like it’s harder to design for biggest models. If you think about the parent-modeling challenge from last season, the winners were the ones with the most model-like figures.

So yeah, more likes than dislikes from the first week. Looks to be a talented batch this year. I just hope they make it work (I couldn’t resist, Tim Gunn. Please forgive me.) I do hope some of them make themselves more memorable. I have no idea who some of these people are.

So, to recap this recap. Yay for Thanksgiving break, Reality returns, and talented designers. Boo to Islamic Studies papers, unlikable racers, and questionable judging.

In the upcoming week, look for a check-in with VH1’s current crop of reality shows, thoughts on the writers strike (I fully support it), a look at other show’s seasons so far, and notes on what shows I’ve already abandoned (there’s at least 3 new ones). And maybe a look at what to give thanks for on TV. Thanks to the two of you for reading again.


Anonymous said...

I thought this was funny so I am one of the two who read it....I also loved Jacks dress ...he was robbed - now back to your Middle East studies paper....booo.