Monday, June 16, 2008

The Mole 6/16- Luging And Naked Time! Sadly, Not Together...

Previously on The Mole, the group got schooled by kids, Paul was a d-bag, and Bobby was the weakest 25 year old I had ever seen. Oh, and Nicole threatened to kill Paul while he slept. No big deal.

Paul is surprised that Nicole threatened to kill him. Meanwhile, in a brilliant bit of editing, that is crosscut with Nicole confessionaling like a sociopath. Apparently, everyone is concerned with Nicole’s comment, but I don’t understand why, because she only threatened Paul, and he’s an ass. Apparently, Mark, Clay, and Bobby have a secret coalition. Also, apparently, Nicole was just kidding and trying to antagonize him. Darn.

Jon Kelly, playing like he’s surprised by the group’s arrival (Don’t pursue an acting career Jon), greets the team at their next mission. The group is split in half, Those Who Can’t Trust and Those Who Trust Blindly. They then have to pair up into groups of two and luge. Oh, also, those who can’t trust are blindfolded and are being steered by those who trust blindly. They also have to identify pictures of fruit. Clay and Bobby are up first. Bobby mis-identifies an avocado as a pair, but Clay manages to correctly identify 5 out of 7 (even correcting the avocado). Paul and Ali also get 5 out of 7. Craig and Victoria do well (I miss the number). Mark and Kristin get all 7. Nicole and Alex, however, only get 1 right, because they repeat the green apple in their order (It’s a little ambiguous as to whether Nicole or Alex is actually to blame). I’ve got an aside for you readers though: If you think about it, I’m about 95% sure that the mole HAS to be on the blindfolded team. Because if they tell their team mate the wrong fruit, it’s going to be blatantly obvious to their teammate, thus exposing them as the mole. But if they’re blindfolded, they can easily sabotage. Jon tells them that they got 25 right, which should earn them $50K. But, apparently, Bobby/Clay and Craig/Victoria broke the rules, which knocks their challenge win down to $26,000. Clay now suspects Bobby to be the mole, and Craig now suspects Victoria. Mark and Clay are now questioning their alliance with Bobby. Mark confessionals that he trusts Clay most. Clay confessionals that he trusts Clay most too.

Jon, apparently, booked everyone for a spa day. Everyone is having a great time. Kristen is on to Nicole’s game, that she is trying to convince everyone that she’s the mole. Kristen does suspect Alex though. Everyone gets massages. Bobby recognizes that his allies don’t trust him, and then starts some Corbin Bernsen style mole-hunting by pointing out that Jon was eating a big apple yesterday and Paul is from New York. Sorry to break it to you Bobby, but while Paul is from Yonkers, Yonkers ain’t a part of the Big Apple. Oh, and Jon came by and stole everyone’s clothes.

And thus starts their next challenge. The team is split is split into two teams of two and two teams of three. The players have to make it to a restaurant in like two hours. And they have to convince the people of Santiago to give them their clothes off their backs. Their nice clothes, because the restaurant has a dress code. Oh, and they have to do it in their underwear. And if they don’t get to the restaurant, they don’t eat dinner. Mark and Clay immediately decide not to participate. Bobby, Nicole, and Craig are all kinds of failure. Victoria, Kristen, and Ali are getting wolf-whistled, but then again, two of them are also wearing hooker boots and the other one is wearing stripper heels. They encounter two buses of HS males. Fun, awkward times. Alex and Paul are actually having success though. Nicole, Bobby, and Craig are actually having success, with Nicole fully completing an outfit. Victoria, Kristen, and Ali aren’t having any success though. Paul and Alex are having a lot of luck, fully completing their outfits. They get to the restaurant. Ali wants to give up, but her teammates don’t. They find Americans and convince them to give them their shirts. Then they find a nice lady who gives them pants. They get to the restaurant. Bobby’s outfit gets completed. Then they find the Laundromat where Jon took their clothes. And they complete their outfits and make it to the restaurant too. They bring everyone else’s clothes too. They add $40,000 to the pot, which ups to total pot to $129,000.

Jon takes them all to dinner and then its quiz and execution time. Mark obsesses over his journal because if he gets eliminated he wants to know that he did everything in his power to stay. Which I guess means Mark is going home (although Bobby got a redemption arc tonight so it could equally be him). Paul continues to be a d-bag to everyone and everyone is getting pissed. Victoria looks incredibly displeased with her decision to sit next to Paul. Understandably so.

I suspect Kristen and Victoria. Kristen because I still think there’s something moley about her. Victoria because she botched the luge mission (and there seems to be a lot of people online who claim to have “proof” that Victoria is the mole.)
Nicole suspects Bobby.
Victoria thinks Ali could be the mole.
Alex suspects Nicole.
Paul suspects Bobby, Nicole, or Craig.

It’s execution time. Jon welcomes them to an old train station in Santiago and immediately offers the players $20,000 to get up and walk away. No one takes it, although Nicole and Paul seem like they were really heavily considering it. Kristen is up first, and she’s safe, meaning I may not be a complete idiot. Mark is next, and reality TV editing 101 misleads us, because he’s safe. Victoria is next and wonders if it’s too late to take the money. But she’s safe (yes, that means I also may not be an idiot). Jon raises his offer to 30 grand. Ali decides to take it this time, because she thinks she botched the quiz. She and Jon walk away and everyone expresses mild shock. Ali would have been safe though. In another twist, the execution continues, so two people are leaving tonight. Alex is next, and he’s safe too. Bobby is next, and my knowledge of reality TV pays off this time, because he’s eliminated. Victoria is broken up, and Craig is too, kinda. Paul continues to be an ass and is happy two people are gone.

Next Time on The Mole: People hike up a mountain, Craig goes to the hospital, and Mark wanders off into the Chilean wilderness.