Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top 10 of the Year- #8- Chuck

So, you know how in the post for Gossip Girl (#10), I said that it took Reaper’s spot on the list? Well, that’s not entirely true. While Gossip Girl did edge out Reaper for the 10 spot, that wasn’t the only reason Reaper didn’t make the cut. The other big reason was that Chuck had already made the list. In many ways, I consider Chuck and Reaper to be birds of a feather. They both chronicle young men in dead end jobs who suddenly possess a great power. They both have potentially aggravating sidekicks, love interests, and whatnot. But Chuck is the greater show, and that is why it makes the list.

Chuck’s success lies mainly in its actors, particularly Zachary Levi as the titular (hehe, titular. Sorry, I’ve got the maturity level of an eight year old) Chuck. His charisma and likeability sustain the show through the sometimes repetitive plots and the stretches of time that Morgan (dear God, is there a more annoying side kick on TV?) is on screen. Levi’s chemistry with Yvonne Strahovski (as one of his handlers and his love interest) is also pretty good and his chemistry with Adam Baldwin (as his other, grumpier handler) is even better. While, yes, Morgan is the most grating sidekick I’ve seen in a long time, the lead trio (as well as various other characters- Shout out to Ryan McPartlin as brother-in-law to be Captain Awesome) make the show feel light and enjoyable.

Which, to be honest, is refreshing nowadays. Current dramas are mostly dark and grim, and even the comedies don’t seen to be light and refreshing in the way that Chuck is. Chuck is just enjoyable to watch. It’s not trying to be high end art, it’s just there to entertain. Which I think actually may be why it nudged out Reaper. Because, as much as I love Reaper for finally developing a serial plot, it started to lost the fun charm. Chuck, even though it can get pretty darn repetitive, keeps it light, and even when it doesn’t keep it light, the charms of the actors shine through and lighten the mood. So congrats Chuck, welcome to the top 10. Be proud, you managed to make it here on only a half season. I look forward to seeing you next season.