Saturday, April 11, 2009

State of VH1: Rock Of Love Bus Final Two= LAME

Note: This is the first post of a series that will run this upcoming week, the State of VH1. Kind of like the State of the Union, but dedicated to my favorite provider of Trash TV. Also, this post mentions some unsavory things. But I'm talking about VH1, so how could I not?

So, Rock of Love Bus is down to its final two classy and sophisticated women, Mindy(on the right) and Taya(on the left). And I think that I speak for all VH1 fans in saying LAME. This has to be the weakest final two in VH1’s history. For how much I love this show (roughly the same as how much the women on these shows love alcohol), its saying something that I really don’t care who wins. Because it’s going to be boring either way.

See, that’s been the problem with this season. Bret seems to be trying to make this show as boring as possible. Going back to the first episode, Bret eliminated two girls who would have certainly provided good television (read: trainwrecks). These are the two girls who participated in the hoo-ha shot hear round the world (one girl did a test tube shot out of the others nether-regions. Like I said, these women are classy and sophisticated). I mean, I understand getting rid of them from a personal health point of view, but from a good TV one? That’s just unacceptable.

And then, three weeks ago, the last straw broke. He got rid of Ashley. Ashley, along with friend Farrah, was the sole reason that the show was entertaining for a large portion of the season. She was, as VH1’s hilarious blog so accurately put it, a walking youtube comment. She was just this awesomely acid tongued critique of the other girls. And then Bret gets rid of her. Now, who will say things like “I didn’t know they made bikinis in size fat f*#k,” “Kami’s all like ‘I’ve been a stripper for 10 years.’ Bitch, you look like you’ve been a stripper for 30 years,” or scream “People who eat basil are LAME!” Certainly not Taya or Mindy. Because, they are, as Ashley would put it, LAME.

So yeah, this is a really weak final two. I guess I’m rooting for Mindy, because she’s occasionally entertaining (and because I’m scared of Taya’s gigantic vag. No, seriously, look up her penthouse spread. It’s terrifying. You can find it somewhere on Bourgy). But, yeah, basically LAME.
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