Thursday, August 14, 2008

Top 10 Of The Year: #7- How I Met Your Mother

The Honorable Mentions
#10- Gossip Girl
#9- South Park
#8- Chuck

So, it’s been a while, I know. Other things, like my laziness, came up. But I vow to continue and complete this top 10 list before the end of the month, in case anyone cares. But, back to the matter at hand.

How I Met Your Mother has a laugh track. Stay with me here folks. How I Met Your Mother has a laugh track and it completely doesn’t need one. Because it’s seriously, seriously funny. I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t one of the rules of television the fact that a laugh track means less funny. Well, that’s what I thought. But How I Met Your Mother breaks that rule.

I will admit, this season was not as good as last season was. There were a bunch of filler episodes. But the show still managed to make my top 10. That’s saying something. But, even if this season had filler episodes, it also had a bunch of amazing ones. “Sandcastles In The Sand” stands out to me, since I love the Robin Sparkles storyline (One of the main characters was a teenage one hit wonder in Canada under the name Robin Sparkles. For more information, go HERE). The episode where Barney puts all the women he’s wronged into a NCAA bracket is amazing. Slapsgiving, the continuation of the Slap Bet joke, was also filled to the brim with funny. Also, the two minute date that the main character engineers (From the Britney Spears episode), is an amazing bit of writing.

I don’t really know how to say it in another way: The show is just really, really funny.

I tried introducing a co-worker to it earlier this summer, and he wasn’t blown away. Maybe it’s a show that you have to follow to love. But, knowing the characters (every single one of whom is funny, a rare feat for a sitcom), I always laugh a few times an episode. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but, between the awesome running jokes, my ever-growing man-crush on Neil Patrick Harris, and the loads of funny that the show has, I feel confident placing How I Met Your Mother in the seven spot on the countdown.
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